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Local Planning Issues - October 2024

North Northamptonshire

Local Plans and Strategic Plans updates

Corby Local Plan Part 2 - Adopted. 

Kettering Borough Council Local Plan Part 2- Adopted.

Wellingborough Borough Local Plan Part 2 - Adopted. 

East Northants Local Plan - Adopted.

North Northamptonshire Core Strategy following last year's consultation further consultations are awaited.


Gypsy and Travellers sites at Middleton and Cottingham  

NC/21/00036/DPA - 5 pitches Ashley Rd Middleton - Appeal in progress

20/00458/COU - 6 pitches Ashley Rd Middleton - Appeal allowed

20/000097/COU - 4 pitches Ashley Rd Middleton - Appeal allowed

14/00205/COU - 1 pitch Corby Rd Cottingham - Appeal refused

Land at Titchmarsh NE/22/0698/OUT and NE/22/0151/FUL - Applications for two warehouse developments as described in previous Planning Updates.  Castle Farm application has now been delayed in terms of going to the Planning Committee.  More evidence has been submitted by IM Properties in response to STAUNCH’s rebuttals and the designation of the Roman town site which has led to a new roundabout being proposed as the way into the site. 

CPRE has responded to this further consultation.

Changes to the address have occurred, the reasoning for which is unclear.

NE/24/00487/FUL This is a further application to expand and existing B8 use very near to Titchmarsh village has also been submitted without an EIA.

CPRE has responded to this application which has now been granted.

Broiler and Poultry farm south of Rushden  18/0128/FUL - Some further comments have been made by members of the public  in June relating to straw burning on the site which has caused air pollution and rat problems which is likened to the  straw burner proposed for the site.  No date is proposed for a decision.  Curlews have also now been noted on the site.

CPRE action - to monitor further objections and await outcomes. 

Rockingham Forest Park near Kings Cliffe - An application for the extension of tourist  facilities with caravan lodges adjacent to woodland areas affecting a curlew habitat and neighbouring villages.

CPRE action - comments made on application. Decision awaited.

Tresham Village proposals - A planning application is awaited for this new settlement on  the old Deene airfield. It is understood that the promoters have delayed the submission of an application because of design and technical issues and that NNC are now reconsidering the position of the new settlement in  terms of strategic housing needs. 

CPRE action – monitoring for submission of a planning application. 

Lilford Hall - This is  a Grade 1 listed building and park.  Recent issues include a solar facility for heating the hall.

CPRE action - ongoing monitoring of restoration and future use.

Telecommunication mast at Thurning NE/22/01367/PNT - An application has been made for a mast in the open countryside.  There is an alternative site which is less intrusive.

CPRE action - comments were made and this has now been refused.

Solar Farm applications at Titchmarsh NE/22/1367/PNT and Glebe Farm Thurning  An  application for a solar farm on agricultural land at Foxholes Farm, Thurning.

A further application for another solar farm at Wood Lodge Farm, Titchmarsh has been refused by the Planning Committee against Officers recommendations.

CPRE action - Responses were made to both applications.

Weekley Hall Woods Kettering KET/2020/0121 - This application has now been refused at Appeal on the grounds of non compliance with Policy 36 of the Joint Core Strategy and adverse impact on the biodiversity of the area.  This represents a victory for the local campaign group and all who took part.  This decision will have implications for other proposals particularly those which are contrary to the JCS.

CPRE action - CPRE Northamptonshire gave evidence at the Public Inquiry in November 2023. CPRE will monitor for any new applications.

Desborough Ise Valley Housing KET/2016/0044 and KET/2021/0327 - This was approved following an Appeal at which CPRE gave evidence approximately 4 years ago.  Reserved matters are now being dealt with and many unresolved items were recommended for conditioning which is unsatisfactory.

CPRE action - a requested deferral by CPRE and other parties was accepted. 

Tree Felling at The Walks in Wellingborough - Tree felling for road works caused a major public response.  The Action Group has taken NNC to the High Court and three new applications have been required under the judgement to be submitted to which CPRE responded. 

CPRE action - monitoring the situation.

Shopfront alterations in Oundle - an historic butchers shop front has been altered without consent.  NNC were unwilling to take appropriate action.

CPRE action -  to gain support from the people of Oundle with a petition.   A letter is also being sent.

Kettering Energy Park - A master plan was consulted on earlier in the year which indicates a large area of B8 usage towards the parishes of  Addington and Finedon.

The current situation is: The developers were planning to submit outline planning applications in June/July but this has not happened.

The developers may have been overwhelmed by the response to their recent (April/May) “public consultation” - which was all negative to their plan so they have to be seen to respond to those objections and are no doubt re-writing their application to attempt to mitigate concerns.  Local political opinion was also against it though this might have weakened with the recent change of   government - but at least one of the new Labour MPs (it sits across 3 parliamentary boundaries) is opposed to it.  We are left in a situation where the residents are in the dark and we have no

communication from the developers or the Council.  16 Parish Councils have sent a joint letter of opposition.

CPRE action - to  monitor the situation and await the next round of consultations following the report to NNC.

Solar Farm proposals affecting  Bozeat, Easton Maudit, Grendon, Mears Ashby, Old and Walgrave  - Proposals have been submitted to PCs in the area concerning a possible large solar farm on multiple sites which would have national implications if implemented.  There is currently a local presentation to  which CPRE will respond.  Concerns that the outputs of this will not be taken into account as part of the decision making process as the application will be determined nationally.

CPRE action - to meet with the emerging action group.  Two further parcels of land have been signed up near Warrington (Bucks) and near Old bringing the total land area to nearly 3,000 acres.  According to the developer these will allow more flexibility in the design rather than enabling some parcels of land to be dropped.  Battery storage is expected to exceed the capacity of the Grendon facility and some will need to be sited on some of the parcels of land.  It is expected that a Scoping opinion will be requested soon. The minister's granting of permission for three very large schemes 3 days after taking office is not promising but it is likely that these will be challenged in the High Court because not only are they against the recommendation of PINS but 3 days is insufficient to make a considered decision on such vast proposals.

Scoping opinion consultations have taken place with surrounding parishes and this has now been published.  The applicant has not been allowed to scope out as much as they wanted to - hence a more thorough submission will be required.

Scoping Opinion for New Logistics Area to  the west of Rothwell at A6/ A14 junction

CPRE action - to respond to Scoping Opinion and await a full application.

West Northamptonshire


Local Plans and Strategic Plans updates

South Northants Local Plan Part 2 - Adopted.

Northampton Borough Local Plan – Adopted.  

Daventry Local Plan Part 2 - Adopted. 

West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan -

A Local Plan part 2 consultation for the whole of WNC closed on 2 June. 

CPRE action - a comprehensive response has been submitted and outcomes are awaited.


Towcester Applications  WNS/2021/1819/EIA - CPRE has submitted three objections to AL1 and Nigel Ozier, our consultant, prepared a further paper as  a submission to  the Planning Committee.   A summary should be submitted to all Planning Committee Members and specific reference made to the Weekley Hall Woods decision.  The Planning Committee met on 10 September and the application was refused against the Officers recommendations.

Shacks Barn/Podium Park application, A43 Whittlebury - A planning application has been submitted, however there has been no further development.

Furtho Pitts, Towcester site  AL5 - an application has been submitted, however there has been no further development.

CPRE action - to prepare responses as appropriate to Shacks Barn and Furtho Pitts applications.

Application for 450 houses on land adjacent to Brackley Grange Cottages, Halse Road, Brackley  S/2020/2163 - This land is not allocated in the Development Plan and represents development into  the open countryside.  A target decision date is now currently recorded as December 24.

CPRE action - response made to planning application.  Monitoring outcome. 

Application for 700 houses on land adjacent to Halse Road, Brackley  WNS/2021/0492/EIA - This land is not  allocated in the Development Plan and is outside the Brackley SUE area and therefore is in the open countryside. A decision date is currently awaited.

CPRE action - response made to application.  Awaiting outcome. 

Holly Lodge Drive, Boughton WND/2021/0717 - Application for 65 houses in open countryside. This application has now been refused.  An Appeal has been lodged and has been dismissed.  

CPRE response - a useful decision protecting open countryside.

Solar Farms - Currently there are several applications in West Northants including  Greatworth, Glassthorpe, Yelvertoft , Kislingbury , Flore, land near Daventry  and more recent applications at Preston Deanery and Wicken, all of which CPRE are monitoring.

CPRE action - responses made and applications being monitored and Planning meetings attended.  

Solar Farm between Welford and South Kilworth - Concerns that this is to be a delegated decision.  Welford and South Kilworth PC have been offered £50k each as mitigation. 

CPRE action - to submit a detailed response to the application and to try to get the application called in.  Approval has now been granted.

Anaerobic Digester at Evenley - An application has recently been lodged. 

CPRE action - comments made on the application and its impact on the countryside.  The outcome is awaited.  

Housing at Daventry - Application for a large urban extension at Daventry impacting on the  countryside. 

CPRE action - comments made on the impact and design issues relating to the application.  Awaiting outcomes.  

Lorry Park at Syresham WNS/2022/2012/MAO - This is in open countryside close to  the village of Syresham and is not an appropriate location for such a facility - which it is accepted is needed. The target decision date has now passed.

CPRE action - comments made on the current application and the outcome is awaited - there may be some links with the HS2 works in this respect which have currently despoiled the area. 

Housing at Park Hall, Bugbrooke - Application for enabling development of large houses to  support the restoration of Park Hall. 

CPRE action - comments  made on the application.  Monitoring outcomes.

Dodford Grange - This is a wedding venue which has applied for accommodation units on the same site.  The new build accommodation buildings are incongruous and out of character.

CPRE response - comments made on the application - monitoring outcome.

Pig farms and Slurry Tank near Welford - An application for a holding tank for slurry for a pig farm has been submitted - the farm is likely to hold up to 9000 pigs and is near residential properties.

CPRE action - comments made on the application - awaiting outcome.

Housing at Kilsby WND/2021/0777 - An application has been lodged for 22 houses outside the village envelope.  A similar application was refused at Appeal.  Now reduced to19 houses.

CPRE action- an objection has been submitted and the outcome is awaited.

Warehousing at Kilsby -  A proposal for warehousing close to DIRFT on a site included in the Core Strategy Review has been withdrawn.  However the Kilsby Action Group consider it may re-emerge.

CPRE action - To liaise with the Kilsby Action Group for further developments.

Housing at Braunston WND/2023/0235 - A proposal for housing outside the village envelope and contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan.  This has now been approved.

CPRE response - an unfortunate decision which overrides the Neighbourhood Plan.

Housing near Quinton WNN/ 2023/5978/EIA - An application has been made for 900 houses as an extension to  Grange Park.  A smaller application has already been refused at Appeal.  This would remove the green space between Quinton and the urban edge of Northampton.

CPRE action - an objection has been submitted to the application and it is understood that the application will be recommended for refusal.

Housing near Great Houghton/Brackmills - There is currently a scoping application for 800 houses on land previously refused approval for industrial use.

CPRE action - monitoring the situation for a full application.

Housing on land north of Nobottle near Harpole - application for 100 houses pending and another for 300 houses.

CPRE action - investigating applications and responding accordingly.

New farm access off Welford High Street - new access formed onto busy road without consent.

CPRE action - to object on highway and safety grounds.

Petermans Fields, Whittlebury - application for 52 houses outside the village envelope. This was refused on 7 June 2024.

CPRE action - to monitor for an appeal.

Overstone Hall - WND/2023/1055 - A grade II listed building currently under threat of demolition following a failed attempt to restore it under enabling development.

CPRE action - to monitor the situation and respond as necessary.

West of Mercedes Brixworth DA/2019/0144 - Proposed mixed employment use which went to an Appeal after refusal.

CPRE action - an appeal was not lodged in the required period.


Regional Planning Issues


Oxford Cambridge Partnership

CPRE is monitoring developments of the newly named body.




National Planning Issues

Click here to read CPRE's response to the government's consultation document Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system published in July 2024.




(c) CPRE Northamptonshire 2023

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